What will education look like 20 years from now!
In 2040, what will be the priorities and how "new education" will emerge
Sometimes unexpected occurrences compel mass testing around a new idea, resulting in tectonic transformations in society and economy.
For example - when American men went to battle in World War II around 1940, women demonstrated that they could do "men's" work — and do it effectively. After that, women never looked back. Similarly, the Y2K problem necessitated the increased usage of Indian software engineers, resulting in the United States tripling the number of employment-based visas granted. By resolving the bug, Indian engineers were able to demonstrate their credentials and position themselves as world leaders in the field of technology. Today, India-born engineers lead Alphabet, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe and Twitter.
In India, online schooling is becoming increasingly popular. Many changes have been made in the education system since the New Education Policy (NEP) was implemented in 2020, including online education, but with a new set of rules comes a new set of problems.
According to UNESCO Report, “since the outbreak of COVID-19 began, 1.37 billion students in 138 countries all around the globe have been affected by the closure of schools and universities. Nearly 60.2 million school teachers and university lecturers are no longer held in the classroom.”
What you are about to read next is my understanding of how education is going to transform across the globe in the next 15-20 years (all gen Z’s are parents now). Here I am keeping NEP-2020, digital adoption curve, and my core marketing experience in ed-tech space observing exponentiated “behavioural shifts” across digital learning spectrum post COVID-19.
How teaching will transform as a career
Starting with this TRUTH.
Most of my schooling happened in a village and I’ve had the first-hand experience of “not so good” teachers. They were never passionate about teaching or education.. in-fact they opted teaching as a last career option (left with no other best bet). When was the last time you saw a parent motivating their kids to become a teacher? At least in India, they had to choose between either doctor or engineer as their first preference.. right? even across the globe - Teaching was never a career option worth looking up to.
BUT THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE - Teaching will become a highly profitable career. Salaries will be determined by a power law. The top teachers will earn millions of dollars a year while instructing thousands of kids. In reality, it has already started taking place with a few leading edtech companies in China (VIPkid)
Skyrocketing content production cost, quality and competition
The production budgets for mass market courses will be comparable to those of high budget movies. Teachers of mass-market disciplines such as statistics and economics will draw in millions of students. Teaching at a large scale will allow them to spend on high-end visuals and production largely differentiating the content to offer immersive learning experience.
There will large, small and all kind of classes
The "average class size measure" has become a cult in the education business. People tend to believe that smaller is always preferable. This is not the case. When giving lectures, you want to achieve scale so that you can invest in production. Small groups are preferred at other times.
Cross-pollination of subjects will happen at scale
Academia is divided. Departments are divided into discrete categories with limited overlap. However, the Internet is by its very nature multidisciplinary. Teachers will construct their own areas of study, free from the constraints of academic divisions.
Old school Community learning will be back in a new form
So far, online education has proven to be beneficial to self-motivated students. However, most people require the support of a social network to hold them accountable. Like a university, tomorrow's top schools will cultivate strong communities and alumni networks.
Price of Education will dip due to competition and access
Learning isn't prohibitively expensive. Credentials are what they are. You will pay less for your education if you are self-motivated. We'll chuckle at the predatory and expensive cost of college when we look back on today.
Students will become content producers
Modern education's pure sit-back-and-listen approach must be abandoned. Students will gain knowledge by constructing and producing objects. Every student now carries a smartphone with an HD camera and the capacity to communicate with anyone on the planet.
Schools will eventually escape the classroom
In the classroom, we've reached peak time, listening to the drone of a lecture. The Internet is a virtual school with no boundaries remember all metaverse content buzzing around?– a gateway to the entire globe. Students will be able to spend less time in a formal school environment thanks to educational apps.
Student evaluations will become meaningful
The majority of colleges are unconcerned about student evaluations. The empirical achievement of students will be the yardstick by which schools of the future will be judged. Teachers will have to make learning enjoyable as the number of possibilities increases.
The learning process will be inverted with online schooling
You start with the basics in school and work your way up to curiosity. On the other hand, on the Internet, you start with curiosity and work your way up to the fundamentals.
I intentionally kept the pointers byte-sized respecting your time, thanks a lot if you have reached till here and still reading.. means a lot.
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